But I believe there’s more customization in Peria Chronicles. probably unparalleled in an Anime MMO outside of, once again, Phantasy Star Online 2.

So suffice it to say that the character customization in-game is.

This is disregarding the sheer amount of outfits you can get in-game. You’re given 8 different styles, ranging from things like an elegant lady, gruff, masculine guy, girly and… well you get it. If you’re a fan of the Sims 4 then you’ll know exactly how amazing this feature is: You have the ability to customize how you run.
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More hairstyle choices for multiple parts of your hair, significantly improved facial customization with the sliders you’d find in a game like Aion or Blade & Soul, a full body editor allowing you the freedom to edit your body size to your pleasing – thicc and voluptuous or even loli-esque. I thought KurtzPel had fantastic character customization for an online Anime game, but Peria Chronicles blows it outta the water. Well, it turns out KurtzPel ended up not being an MMO but that’s another topic for another video. I thought KurtzPel had good character customization for an Anime MMO. There’s footage of the character creation online right now from people that got into the recent beta test and I’d rather not use their content here without their permission, so if you wanna go ahead and check that out just go directly onto Youtube and type in “Peria Chronicles character creation,” but suffice it to say. The amount of freedom to alter the game and mold your own little part of it into something truly original is said to be unrivaled. It was also revealed that like its predecessor, Mabinogi, Peria Chronicles takes a lot of inspiration from the social aspects of the MMO. The complexity of the tools at your disposal allow for almost endless creation. You have complete control over terraforming the entire world – mountains, waterfalls, grass, monsters, tunnels, buildings. You can make maps for other players to explore, you can create towns filled with NPCs, stores and merchants, you can create quests that take you into the aforementioned areas, generate dungeons, even script your own NPCs. The game, supposedly, has a very strong emphasis on player-created content with the game world itself being largely populated by individual player creations. It is also quite possibly the most anticipated Anime MMO outside of Phantasy Star Online 2’s North American release in Spring next year. It is said to be the spiritual successor to the still running Mabinogi MMO by Nexon. There are also player-created quests which may reward the user who completes it with gold, or the creator of the quest in case the player failed to complete it.For those of you that’ve been living under a rock for the last 7 years then Peria Chronicles is an upcoming 3D Anime MMORPG with beautiful cell-shaded graphics. This is a sandbox MMORPG where players are able to create landscapes and buildings as they see fit and even create massive towns, a daunting task which requires a few hundred players in a single area. Perhaps not as much as EverQuest Next – which game does so far? – but it's probably the closest thing we've seen so far in the MMO department.
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This game looks like a cross between the best Naruto games (the stunning console Narutos, not the Ultimate Naruto or Naruto Saga free MMO games) and the Pokémon creature-tossing battles, but the developer added a few of its own ideas to the mix, creating a truly unique and vibrant MMO world.īesides the exciting combat where players use the monsters they've collected against their enemies, Peria Chronicles has a massive focus on community-driven content. Previously known as Project NT, Peria Chronicles is ThingSoft's attempt at a beautiful free anime MMORPG with combat from the school of Pokémon. – BUSINESS MODEL: TBC | TERRITORIES: Korea
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– PLATFORM: Download | STATUS: Canceled August 2019