If I may be so bold, it’s going to be truly epic.The Iron Kingdoms setting, an alternate role-playing universe that shares some of the same mechanics as Dungeons & Dragons, is being rebooted as Iron Kingdoms: Requiem.
#Duteus witchfire trilogy full
With Requiem, we have come full circle in the practical real-world origins of the setting, but it is a new beginning for the Iron Kingdoms, one that promises a road ahead to delight anyone who has trekked this land in the past as well as anyone finding it for the first time. And in the all-new Monsternomicon, we will find Professor Pendrake as he revisits the myriad horrors of western Immoren, joined by a horde of creatures never encountered in our RPG offerings before. Through a new core setting book and the Legend of the Witchfire adventure, we will uncover the secrets of the past as we explore the future of the setting, and we’ll reveal the seeds planted along two decades of storytelling. It is the Iron Kingdoms born in the original Witchfire Trilogy, plunging players into new adventures with unfathomable intrigue on the horizon as we propel the world into an exciting new era and unfold an original story that will take us into uncharted territory. Requiem rolls up the history of western Immoren and provides a new starting point to explore a world in the throes of an industrial revolution attempting to carry on after an otherworldly apocalypse. Iron Kingdoms: Requiem, the newly crafted RPG setting for 5e, provides an entry point for GMs and players, whether they are grizzled veterans of the Iron Kingdoms or new adventurers in the setting. Thanks to the immense popularity of 5e and a new open game license, Privateer has an opportunity to return to its RPG roots and continue the saga of the IK. Today, the Iron Kingdoms is a fantasy setting that has enjoyed over twenty years of ongoing development and storytelling. What was unique to Privateer, however, was how the story that started with a young woman and a cursed sword would continue to expand through the myriad RPG, miniatures game expansions, and fiction installments to follow. Privateer Press would parlay the success of The Witchfire Trilogy and the ensuing Iron Kingdoms: Full Metal Fantasy RPG line into a full-fledged game company to produce the WARMACHINE miniatures game as well as many more board games, card games, and miniatures games over the next two decades. The Witchfire Trilogy was received so well that it quickly became an evergreen product among retailers and distributors of third-edition products and was reprinted multiple times while receiving numerous industry awards. Aptly named, Privateer Press seized the opportunity offered by the effective letter of marque conveyed by the OGL and conceived of an exciting new realm, expanding the landscape of adventure for game masters and players of D&D’s newest and greatest incarnation.
#Duteus witchfire trilogy license
The Witchfire Trilogy-and by extension, the Iron Kingdoms-existed thanks to the d20 Open Game License that Wizards of the Coast extended through the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons. If I may for a moment eschew my humble nature, I would like to say it was truly epic. In the end, after encountering run-amok steamjacks, vicious gangs, and ruthless villains, the heroes of the story would become responsible for changing the course of history in the Iron Kingdoms as they held back a foreign invasion while buying time for Alexia to confront the diabolical fiend responsible for her mother’s fate.

Over the course of three volumes, players would explore the steam-powered setting as they aided Alexia in her quest to save her mother’s soul and simultaneously try to prevent the psychologically unhinged waif from unleashing hell upon the world.

That weapon tortured her mind with a cacophony of forlorn souls trapped within its blackened blade, including the soul of her wrongfully executed mother. It was the story of Alexia Ciannor, a young woman marred by tragic circumstance and plagued by a cursed sword. Just twenty-one years ago, the Iron Kingdoms was born when a newly founded Privateer Press released the first volume of a d20 adventure called The Witchfire Trilogy. IRON KINDOMS: REQUIEM (stats at time of publication: 550% Funded 6283 Backers 34 Stretch Goals Unlocked)